【新品揭曉】粉絲聖地 LEGO House 全新會場限定商品揭曉!是 40366 積木恐龍!


  從 2017 年起,樂高於總部所在的丹麥比隆所建造的體驗中心「LEGO House」正式開幕之後,成為全球死忠樂高迷一生一定要參觀一次的聖地。除了各種歷史資料、壯觀展示品之外,作為粉絲聖地,設計限定商品也是一定要的。繼先前的創意之樹(按我連結)LEGO House 微型建築(按我連結)之外,就在台灣時間今日下午,LEGO House 也公布了全新的展場限定商品,將會是把展場內的大恐龍,轉變成超讚的小模型!

Photo credit: WalterKrunkite @ Imgur

  就算你現在還未進入過 LEGO House,但如果你曾經看過相關紀錄片,或是之前鎮長介紹的文章(按我連結),應該知道體驗中心內,有許多用積木堆砌起來的大型展示品,其中最有名的,當然就是位於「大師藝廊」展區的三隻巨大樂高暴龍,分別由「SYSTEM零件」、「科技零件」與「得寶零件」組成,代表了樂高開發的三大積木零件系統。三大零件系統各自開花結果,衍伸出無數精彩創造的可能性,但彼此之間卻又能相容,展現了樂高積木強大的魅力。


  總之,這組積木組將會是會場限定商品,正式型號為 40366 Lego House Dinosaurs,預計從今年(2019)4月17日開始販售,每件販售 599 克朗(約等於新台幣2800附近)。為了避免太多遊客幫親朋好友帶禮物,或者是買出去轉賣,造成供貨上的不便,展場亦限制每位遊客最多僅能購買三件。

  第一個跟玩家們看到的,是用得寶積木組成的紅色大恐龍。由於得寶積木是專為學齡前兒童設計,為了讓兒童的手容易抓握,以及避免誤吞的情形發生,得寶積木都很大顆,沒辦法真的用得寶積木拼個恐龍給你,所以就改用 SYSTEM 積木來組裝。但為了讓你感受到這是得寶恐龍,把設計的重點放在兩條大腿上,不但用逼近造型的方式來組裝,用色上也是較鮮艷明亮的紅與黃,並且在上頭使用得寶積木常見的花紋貼紙(對,那是貼紙。不用妄想了。)

  綠色的恐龍,則是用 SYSTEM 積木來組成,造型與色調上較貼近真實恐龍,或更準確來說,是做出比較逼真感的恐龍。在恐龍的大腿造型上,就有設計出線條出來,而且整隻恐龍的零件上,又更多變化。

  最後則是讓鎮長感到最驚喜的科技暴龍,是使用科技系列零件來組成。這組的暴龍體積也不大,也很難用純粹的科技零件來組成,所以設計者一樣是用 SYSTEM 零件來組成,但在外觀上配上許多科技零件,給你一個非常直覺的外觀。既然都講到科技零件,快來看鎮長整理的科技系列大歷史(按我連結)


Three giant LEGO® dinosaurs greet visitors when they climb the stairs to the Experience Zones of the LEGO House. Available from April 17th as a retail set.

Positioned in The Masterpiece Gallery the three iconic dinosaurs are the stunning centrepieces of the room. Each model has a metal skeleton inside to support the LEGO bricks, the height of each models is 2,92 m (without podium) and the total piece count of the three models is more than 600.000 LEGO bricks. Now LEGO House has taken on the challenge to convert the three giant dinosaurs into a retail product.

The retail product, LEGO® House dinosaurs, will be launched at the LEGO Store in LEGO House this summer. And if everything goes as planned the first boxes will already be for sale from 17th April.

The LEGO model is a great reproduction of the giant dinosaurs capturing all the most iconic features in a rescaled version.

Designer Nina Koopman says: ”One of the biggest challenges with the new model has been to capture all the details from the big models. Especially since the models in Masterpiece Gallery were all built of the three different building systems LEGO DUPLO, LEGO Technic and LEGO System. You see it especially with the yellow dino where we eg. have used gear wheels, and ventilator elements to get the “Technic feel” into the product.”

The three dinosaurs have been on their way for roughly a year and is the third exclusive product that LEGO House launches. The others being Tree of Creativity (4000026) and the LEGO House Architecture set (21037).

In the new product it has been important to underline that it is both a toy for playing and a display model. Nina Koopman explains: “The aim was to make a stunning product and at the same time, we have worked with integrating moveable parts in the heads, arms and legs to enhance the play experience. Also the construction of the three models has deliberately been made different from each other in order to create three different building experiences, and you can remove the dinos from their podium.”

Each of the three models within the new product has a podium that resembles the real podium in Masterpiece Gallery. This pays reference to the fact that Masterpiece Gallery in itself is a giant LEGO brick – just 862 times an ordinary LEGO 2×4 brick – and the three podiums are the tubes of that LEGO brick.

The model is exclusively available at LEGO House in Billund and the retail price is 599 DKK. (Maximum 3 boxes pr. person).
