【新品揭曉】LEGO STAR WARS 二十周年紀念款 75244 Tantive IV 正式發布!


  要是玩家們還記得的話,今年是樂高與星際大戰合作滿20周年紀念。在這麼特別的里程碑,當然就是要推出各種商品來侵略你的口袋囉!像今天要跟玩家們介紹的,就是才剛特別發表的 75244 Tantive IV!

Tantive IV 是星戰影史上,第一個出現在電影中的船艦!
  Tantive IV 這艘船艦的外觀並不突出,也不是甚麼很殺、很帥的戰鬥機,僅只是一款運輸機而已,但在星戰影史上卻有著不可動搖的經典地位。因為人家可是星戰電影史上第一台現身的載具!如果你還記得的話,在 1977 年的第一部電影《星際大戰》中,畫面一開始就是一艘小小的 Tantive IV 飛過去,接著就是一台又大又壞的帝國滅星者戰艦追在後面。

  除了在電影中的特殊地位外,事實上,在 2009 年的時候,也就是樂高與星戰合作滿十周年的那一年,樂高也曾推出特別紀念款的 Tantive IV 盒組,編號 10198 Tantive IV你可以按我連結回顧鎮長先前的特別專文

  好了!該把注意力拉回到全新的商品上頭來了。這回登場的 Tantive IV,詳細編號 75244,雖然外盒上並沒有明顯標示,但從盒子的美術設計來看,這組很有可能會被官方歸類在「終極蒐藏家類」(Ultimate Collector Series;UCS) 底下,但也有可能是歸類在強調兒童玩樂性的「拼裝大師類」(Master Builders Series;MBS) 底下(我覺得應該是後者可能性最大)

  整組將會包含 1768 片零件,定價確定為 199.99 美金。台版官方定價有待跟進。雖然暫時未收到消息,但在美方,將會在星戰日前一日(5月3日)開始販售。

  當然,對於影視作品來講,附帶人偶也是玩家們非常關注的重點。這次將會附帶五隻人偶,包括:當初被黑武士掐死的反抗軍隊長 Captain Antilles;一名反抗軍小士兵;C-3PO與R2-D2、莉亞公主,還有終於被想起要將之人偶化的貝爾歐嘉納 (Bail Organa),也就是莉亞公主的養父。當了邊緣人這麼多年,期間也只有在 2011 年變成樂高電玩角色那麼一次而已,終於給他一個人偶的位置啦!



  雖然講起來,他在電影中也只是被黑武士單手舉起那一幕有名(而且馬上就領便當了),但在樂高人偶中,Captain Antilles 倒也意外地很稀有。除了這次的 2019 版本外,他以前唯一有出現的,也只有在 2009 年的十周年款 10198 登場。哇!這可也是重點蒐集項目之一呢!

  大致上看過人偶之後,我們當然要把注意力重新擺回到船體上。這次的太空船,完成之後的尺寸將為 62 公分長、19 公分寬,高度14公分。長度上比 2009 年舊版的52公分還要多十公分出來(寬與高倒是沒變),可見飛船全體可是大了不少。拉長船身,應該是希望能夠更貼近電影中的真實比例。








75244 Tantive IV™

*Euro pricing varies by country. Please visit shop.LEGO.com for regional pricing.

LEGO Star Wars Tantive IV (75244)
Own an iconic Rebel blockade runner—Tantive IV!

Build, play and display a legendary Star Wars™ starship! This LEGO® Star Wars 75244 interpretation of Tantive IV, seen fleeing from an Imperial Star Destroyer in the opening moments of Star Wars: A New Hope, faithfully recreates all of the Rebel cruiser’s signature details, including an elongated hull, detachable escape pods, elevating gun turrets, cargo hold and 11 massive engines at the back. Remove the hull plating of this fantastic LEGO Star Wars vehicle to reveal a detailed 2-minifigure cockpit, conference area with table, weapon rack and a control console with 2 seats. The radar dish also doubles as a convenient carry handle, which makes it perfect for flying around the room. When the mission is over, this amazing kids’ buildable toy also makes a great centerpiece for any LEGO Star Wars collection. The set also includes 5 minifigures and an R2-D2 droid LEGO figure.

Includes 5 LEGO® Star Wars™ minifigures: Bail Organa, Princess Leia, Captain Antilles, C-3PO and a Rebel Fleet Trooper, plus an R2-D2 droid LEGO figure.
Tantive IV LEGO® Star Wars™ construction toy features a radar that doubles as a carry handle, 2 detachable escape pods with space for a minifigure inside, opening cargo hold and removable cargo box, opening 2-minifigure cockpit, rotating and elevating stud-shooting turrets on top and 2 spring-loaded shooters underneath. The top hull detaches to reveal a detailed interior including a conference table, weapon rack and a control console with 2 seats for the minifigures.
Weapons include a blaster pistol and 3 blasters.
Also includes a pair of electrobinoculars.
Captain Antilles minifigure is an updated version from 2009, while Princess Leia’s skirt and Bail Organa are new for April 2019.
This highly detailed building toy construction set includes over 1,750 pieces.
Recreate amazing moments from the opening scene of Star Wars: A New Hope or play out your own exciting adventures!
LEGO® Star Wars™ starship measures over 5” (14cm) high, 24” (62cm) long and 7” (19cm) wide.

Available directly from LEGO Stores & shop.LEGO.com from 3rd May, 2019
