【新品揭曉】這些就是你要找的機器人!LEGO 星際大戰 Boost 「機器人指揮組」(75253 Boost Droid Commander set)揭曉!


  從 2016 年推出機器人套組 BOOST 之後,這支系列就成為樂高集團的重點主打產品之一,講求兒童可以輕鬆上手的程式編輯,搭配組裝樂高的實際經驗,讓你不只是組積木玩具而已,更要挑戰兒童編輯程式的能力,為樂高帶來生命力。

  從 2016 年的起始包之後,這幾年,樂高也陸續開發出多本組裝說明,讓玩家可以把 BOOST 馬達零件,與一般盒組做結合。就在台灣時間 5月4日,也就是國際星戰日的這天,樂高集團又丟出全新的預告,將帶來 BOOST 機器人組。預計將於今年 9 月 1 日全球上市。

  雖然在鎮長寫文章的時間點,我們暫時不知道這組的外盒封面設計,但目前確定官方型號為 75253 Boost Droid Commander set,將包含 1177 片零件,定價 219.99 歐元(相當於新台幣七千元),台版官方定價有待跟進。而且我們至少可以看到,整組將會做出三隻曾出現在星戰中的機器人。包括我們最喜歡的吉祥物「R2-D2」;常常在帝國死星或戰艦地板上看到的「老鼠機器人」(Mouse Droid);還有像長兩條腿的方形垃圾桶「GONK 機器人」(GONK Droid)。



  R2-D2 完成之後,將會有 20 公分高與 14 公分寬,底下裝有輪子,可以跑步,還可以搭配錄音功能,你可以傳送「歐比王,你是我唯一的希望,快撥打下面這支電話以拯救宇宙」之類的垃圾訊息。

  老鼠機器人完成後,有著 14 公分的高度、9公分的寬度與 17 公分的長度,一樣有輪子,可以跑來跑去。箱型的身體可以打開,投擲物品,同樣可以乘載錄音訊息,你可以跑操縱祂黑武士放「你媽有夠胖,她連滅星者號都載不動」之類的垃圾訊息。

  最後一個,是鎮長個人覺得最有趣的機器人,因為它並不是用輪子移動,而是用兩條腿。只要組裝完連動機關之後,就可以雙腿滑動來前進,而且兩手臂還搭配鑽頭或電鋸,也是超好玩的!完成之後有著 16 公分的長度、9公分的寬度與 18 公分的高度。


LEGO® Star Wars™ BOOST takes the Force to a new level,
introducing the droids you have been looking for…

New LEGO® Star Wars™ BOOST Droid Commander set lets fans build, code and play with three iconic Star Wars droids – whether they’re a young padawan or Jedi Master

BILLUND, DENMARK (May 4, 2019): Today, the LEGO Group unveils the latest addition to its much-loved Star Wars™ range – and it’s something even Yoda’s Force sense didn’t see coming. The new LEGO Star Wars BOOST Droid Commander set offers all the creativity and coding fun of LEGO® BOOST alongside the chance to build three of the film franchise’s most iconic droids: R2-D2; the Gonk Droid; and the Mouse Droid. 

It’s the first time the LEGO BOOST coding technology has been used in a LEGO licensing product, and this time the intuitive drag-and-drop coding environment will see a complete overhaul to match the LEGO Star Wars universe. The result is a whole new play experience in which kids and parents can team up to build, code and play with the droids, then create their own Star Wars stories and battlegrounds with inspiration from 40+ interactive missions. What’s more, every time they play with this LEGO brick galaxy of lovable droids, they will also be honing their STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) skills. Skills that are ever more important for children in today’s digital world.

Julia Goldin, Chief Marketing Officer, LEGO Group, said: “We’ve been fuelling the imagination of young Padawans and Jedi Masters for twenty years and wanted to take the Force to a new level. By introducing LEGO BOOST and creative coding into the LEGO Star Wars galaxy, kids now have the chance to develop essential 21st century skills while immersing themselves in the amazing world of Droid Commanders. Our children are the problem solvers of tomorrow and STEAM skills will be essential to help them conquer the challenges of the future.”

The LEGO Star Wars BOOST Droid Commander set is the latest example of how the LEGO Group is using product innovation to help boys and girls gain vital STEAM skills like creativity, critical-thinking, problem-solving and communication – all while enjoying the thrill of playing with their favourite LEGO Star Wars characters.

Launching globally September 1, 2019 just in time to mark the upcoming release of Star Wars Episode IX, all three droids (R2-D2, Gonk Droid and Mouse Droid) are great fun to build, code and play with, and completely customisable for every child.

“These are the droids you’re looking for.”

LEGO® Star Wars™ BOOST Droid Commander product facts:

The set includes a color & distance sensor, interactive motor, Bluetooth (Move Hub) and 1,177 pieces – enough to build all three lovable R2-D2 robot, Gonk Droid and Mouse Droid, each coming with their own personalities, skills, and authentic Star Wars sounds and music
R2-D2 robot measures over 7” (20cm) high and 5” (14cm) wide. LEGO® Gonk Droid measures over 7” (18cm) high, 3” (9cm) wide and 6” (16cm) long. LEGO Mouse Droid measures over 5” (14cm) high, 3” (9cm) wide and 6” (17cm) long.
Free LEGO® BOOST Star Wars™ app is available for selected iOS, Android and Fire smart devices. Using the app, young commanders can build the droids, insert the Bluetooth-controlled Move Hub into the droid they want to see solve each of the 40+ missions, and bring it to life using the intuitive drag-and-drop coding environment.
